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Introducing Lessons Learned
Updated over a week ago

Lessons Learned allows you to capture action-oriented lessons learned not just at the end of the project but throughout the entire project delivery process.

Categorize and roll up lessons learned to the project and portfolio, convert Issues into Lessons Learned with one click, and assign Action Items and Decisions to Lessons Learned to ensure you act on lessons and continuously improve your delivery.

What you'll need

  • Lessons Learned are only available on Professional and Enterprise plans.

  • User must be an owner on the project to create a lesson learned.

  • User must be a Workspace Team Member or Owner.

Lessons Learned

Like all the other RAID items, you can create, view and update lessons learned from the grid view.

You can also create and update from the details view. We have dedicated fields just for lessons learned.

Lesson learned Fields:

  • Name: Used to give your Lesson Learned a name and briefly describe what the lesson is.

  • Owners: (Defaults to the project owner).

  • Tags: Used to group or categorize lessons and other raid items.

  • Lesson Learned Type:

    • Knowledge Capture lessons are items that will be useful in planning or executing future projects but don't require actions right now.

    • Process Improvement lessons are action-oriented: something needs to be done to fix or improve how we plan and execute projects, ideally before doing another project like this.

  • Importance: The importance this risk has on the project.

  • State: Used to track what state the lesson is in.

  • Lesson Scope: Used to track where the lesson learned is useful.

    • Project

    • Portfolio

    • Tenant/Workspace

  • Due Date: Used for Process Improvement lessons. Capture the date when the process improvement should be in place.

  • Related RAID Items: Link RAID items to the lesson learned.

  • Description: Used to enter all the details about the lesson.

  • Impact: Used to capture the impact the lesson had.

  • Recommendation: Used to capture what the team should do in the future.

Process Improvement Lessons Learned

Having the ability to create action items directly from lessons learned is key to making sure your team implants the changes needed from the lesson learned.

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