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Relating RAID Items
Updated over a week ago

Overview allows users to relate multiple RAID items (Risks, Actions, Issues, Decisions, Lessons, Opportunities, and Dependencies) to one another. This feature enhances project management by connecting relevant items across the RAID structure, enabling better tracking and organization.

How Relating RAID Items Works

  1. Supported Item Types

    • Any RAID item can be related to another item, with the exception of dependencies that span across projects.

    • Action items are managed separately but can still be linked in the "Related Items" section.

  2. Bulk Linking

    • Users can relate multiple RAID items to a single item in a single action.

  3. Permissions

    • Only project owners, project members, and assigned users can create and manage relationships.

    • Users must have access to both RAID items to create a relationship.

    • Workspace admins can view and manage all related items within the project.

Visibility and Privacy

  1. Private Items

    • If a related RAID item is marked as private, it will not appear in the related items list for users without access to it.

  2. Visual Indicators

    • Related items are displayed in a list, with an icon representing the type of RAID item (e.g., Risk, Action, Issue).

Managing Relationships

  1. Adding and Removing Relationships

    • Users can add or remove related RAID items, provided they have access to both items.

  2. History and Logs

    • The system logs when RAID items are linked or unlinked, including details of who performed the action and when.

  3. No Additional Context

    • Currently, users cannot add notes or descriptions to explain the relationship between linked RAID items.

Search and Notifications

  1. Search Functionality

    • Users can perform text-based searches within the grid to find related RAID items but cannot filter by relationship directly.

  2. Notifications

    • No notifications are sent when RAID items are linked or unlinked.


Q: Can I relate RAID items between projects?
A: No, you can only relate RAID items within the same project.

Q: Is there a limit to how many items I can relate to a single RAID item?
A: No, there are no performance limitations or recommended limits on the number of related RAID items.

Q: Will users without access see related private RAID items?
A: No, related private RAID items are hidden from users without access.

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