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Using Projects
Updated over a week ago

Table of contents

Project Overview

What is a project? A project is a set of interdependent tasks that have a common goal. In our world, a project in represents a RAID Log.

Project Interface

Let's go over the project interface!

Detail View

  1. Detail Pane - contains the meta data of the Project or RAID items.

  2. Guiding Pane - contains the setup checklist and associated action item(s).

  3. Timeline - displays a timeline of changes and notes.

Within the Detail Pane on the project, you have 6 different fields

Name - This represents the name of your project

This is a text field and is limited to 250 characters

Description - Used to store additional project details about the project.

This is a text area field and is limited to 2000 characters

State - This is a dropdown list (Draft, Active, On Hold, Completed, Canceled) that captures the current state of the project.

Tags - Free-form text to tag your project.

Create tags by typing your tag and clicking enter. You can also select an existing tag by clicking it from the dropdown.

Due Date - Captures the date for when the project is set to be completed by.

Budget - Used to store the project's budget amount.

Enter your budget in USD.

Creating a project

Click the + in the top bar

  1. Give the project a name.

  2. Enter a description

  3. Select the state from the dropdown

  4. Tag your project

  5. Assign a due date

  6. Enter the project budget

  7. Once finished, click the Save Project button in the top bar

The project name is the only required field to create a project.

Accessing or editing your project details

  1. Locate your project on the left sidebar.

  2. Click the desired project from the list.

  3. Then click OVERVIEW

  4. Once the project details load: Click on the desired field to be changed

When ready to save the changes, hit enter, click out of the field or click into another field to save the changes.

Accessing or editing notes

  1. Locate your project on the left sidebar.

  2. Click the desired project from the list.

  3. Then click OVERVIEW

  4. Using the notes feature on the far right, click into the text box and enter your note.

  5. When ready to save the note, click the green send button.

  6. If you need to change the note, click the Pencil icon.

  7. This will bring the note back into the text box.

  8. Make the changes you want, and when ready to save the changes, click the green send button.

Deleting a project

  1. Locate your project on the left sidebar

  2. Click the desired project from the list

  3. Then click OVERVIEW

  4. Click the 3 dots in the top bar

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  5. Click Delete

  6. A prompt will appear to confirm you want to delete the project and all RAID items associated on the project.

  7. Click the orange delete button to confirm

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