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Using Action Items Module
Updated over a week ago

Table of contents


Creating an action item

  1. Locate your project from either the sidebar or the home screen

  2. Click on your desired project and click actions on the sidebar

Create an action item from detail view

  1. Click the green "+" icon located in the top navigation bar to initiate the creation of a new action item.

  2. Assign a clear and concise name to the action item for easy identification.

  3. Provide a detailed description outlining the purpose and goals of the action item.

  4. Choose the current status of the action item (e.g., Not Started, In Progress, Completed) from the dropdown menu.

  5. Add relevant tags to the action item to help categorize and filter action items effectively.

  6. Set a due date for the action item to define a clear timeline for completion.

  7. To save the action item and add it to your project or task list, click the "Save Action" button in the top navigation bar.

Create an action item from grid view

  1. To begin creating a new action item, click on the first empty cell under the "Name" header in the grid view.

  2. Enter a clear and concise name for your action item.

  3. Provide a detailed description outlining the purpose and goals of the action item.

  4. Choose the current status of the action item (e.g., Not Started, In Progress, Completed) from the dropdown menu.

  5. Add relevant tags to the action item to help categorize and filter action items effectively.

  6. Set a due date for the action item to define a clear timeline for completion.

  7. To save the action item, click outside of the grid, press the "Enter" key, or select another action item in the grid view.

The grid will save automatically when you click off of the risk or grid

Editing your action item details

On the home screen:

  1. Browse the grid to find the project containing the action item you want to edit.

  2. Click on the project to access the project overview module.

  3. Locate the actions section on the sidebar or tab navigation at the bottom and identify the specific action item you want to update.

  4. Click on the action item to view its details.

  5. Click on the desired field within the action item details that you wish to modify.

  6. Make the necessary changes to the field.

  7. To save the changes, either click outside of the field or click into another field. The changes will be automatically saved.

Deleting an action item

To delete an action item associated with a project in, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the project you want to delete the action item from in the sidebar.

  2. Click on the project from the list to access the project details.

  3. Click on the "Actions" tab to view the list of action items associated with the project.

  4. Locate and click on the risk you wish to delete.

  5. In the top navigation bar, click on the three dots icon.

  6. Select "Delete" from the dropdown menu.

  7. A confirmation prompt will appear, warning that the action item and its associated information will be deleted.

  8. Click the orange "Delete" button to confirm the deletion of the action.

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